Hilary Allumaga: Family Explains Circumstances Leading To Death

  • Burial Date Yet To Be Fixed

Following the confusion and speculations surrounding the demise of Mr Hilary Allumaga, the family has explained the circumstances leading up to when he gave up.

According to the head of the Allumaga family, Barrister Z Z Allumaga, “This unfortunate development can only be traced to an Act of God.”

He also explained the reason for the delay in fixing the date for the funeral.

Hilary Allumaga – July 7, 1963 – 1st January, 2021

His explanation: “In the midst of the confusion arising from the most unfortunate passing away of our brother, husband, father, in-law, uncle and friend… Certainly, what happened was as miraculous as it is incongruous to imagine.

“Let me explain in details the mystery as Hillary’s elder brother and one who was present all through the unfortunate development.

“Hilary was coughing profusely and family members agreed that he be taken to the hospital and we immediately carried him there, with Hilary’s full consent.

“He was taken to the Casualty/Emergency unit of Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital (DASH), Lafia, and was immediately attended to and drip was administered amongst other drugs. He became calm enough to go to sleep. This was night already.

Hilary’s Family

“In the morning, the Chief Medical Director who is my friend and by virtue of my office, assembled a team of doctors to handle the case. The consultants amongst them queried different ailments including COVID19.

“He said he took bath with cold water. The table was set for the various tests. By about 10am, a preliminary prescription was made and various drugs were administered including intravenous injections.

“Hilary had earlier gone to wash himself personally. He then briefly slept. When he woke up, he insisted that treatment must continue. Further prescription was made and administered.

“He was transferred to the ward and treatment continued. Suddenly, he broke loose from the drip and the oxygen cylinder he was placed on, and was saying that the burglary at the door and window of the ward made him a prisoner, insisting that he came to the hospital not prison and proceeded to attempt breaking them.

“This act attracted hospital security, and l was invited to intervene. At the end, the hospital agreed to treat him as an out-patient on my recognition.

“With exhaustion all over Hilary’s body and indeed a congested chest, breathing apparently became harder. Before any supplementary drugs could be administered, he gave up the ghost.

“This unfortunate development can only be traced to an Act of God.

“I am the family Head of Hilary’s family, and indeed the person who should give this information.

“l started with the circumstance of death believing that everyone on this platform who was not here should get the background of what happened.”

Reacting to speculations that he died from COVID19 complications, Barrister Allumaga said that was not true, saying: “Hilary returned from US about a month before his death. Before he left, he was subjected to all the required tests and cleared. At the Airport in US, he was further subjected to tests and cleared. Upon arrival in Nigeria, at the Airport, he was subjected to all the necessary tests.

“Of course, if it was because he died, we were in the process of further tests. That’s why I said the doctors were querying even COVID.”

Hilary With His Wife During Her Last Birthday in September 2020 In USA

Explaining the delay in fixing the date of burial, Barrister Alumaga said: “We are not in a rush to get rid of our own hence we have kept him in the mortuary.

“In accordance with tradition, the family members including the wife and children should be around. Unfortunately, they are outside Nigeria and satisfactory protocol must be put in place to enable them attend.

“We secured the death certificate and sent as we know it is a condition to get permission to travel to Nigeria for the burial.

“We are waiting for the wife’s family to indicate possible date of availability upon which the burial date will be discussed with the Parish Priest.

“I urge all to understand this position as they’re condition precedent to a befitting burial. thanks for understanding.”

Born on 7th July, 1963, Hilary Allumaga attended RCM School, Aloce and Nassarawa Eggon.

He also attended Government College, Keffi, Federal COLLEGE of Education special, Oyo.

He went for his first ad second degrees at Gallaudet University, USA. His family presently lives at Silver Spring Station, Maryland, USA.

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